Eazystock Password

Skapad av Kenny Westermark, Ändrad den Sön, 16 jan., 2022 vid 11:24 F.M. efter Kenny Westermark

If you can't access your account you can reset the password through the link [Can't access your account?] below the login form.

Enter your User ID och Email (Often the same) and you will receive an email with instructions to set an new password.

(Please check your spam-folder in you don't receive any Email within a couple of minutes, the title is 'Syncron reset password')

Eazystock requires following rules to be met for setting a new password:

  1. Minimum 6 characters
  2. Minimum one lower case letter
  3. Minimum one upper case letter
  4. Minimum one special character (! \" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \\ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~)
  5. Minimum one number

If your error message is 'The account has been locked' you need to contact us for further help.

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